RCC Transfer Center

Transfer Center
Transferring to a university for your bachelor's degree is a big step. At the RCC Transfer Center, we're here to help. Explore our resources to make the transition smoother and achieve your goals.
Contact Us
Upcoming Transfer Events and Workshops
In-Person Drop-In Hours
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Dr. Charles A. Kane Student Services and Administration -2nd Floor Counseling Virtual Drop-In Hours
12:30 PM - 04:00 PM
Location: Virtual In-Person Drop-In Hours
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Dr. Charles A. Kane Student Services and Administration -2nd Floor Counseling Virtual Drop-In Hours
12:30 PM - 04:00 PM
Location: Virtual Virtual Drop-In Hours
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Important Steps
Choose Your Major
Your major shapes your four-year academic journey and future career path at RCC. Explore career options using O*Net or meet with a Career Center Representative. Consider enrolling in GUI-47: Career Exploration and Life Planning.
Choose a Transfer School
Research transfer universities early due to differing requirements and majors. Consider at least three options: a first choice, a second, and a third for backup.
- Use Transferbound to explore majors at California Public Institutions.
- Explore 23 CSU options.
- Use UC Major Search to explore available majors and campuses.
- Consider an HBCU
- Compare UC and CSU systems for a detailed understanding.
- Check the minimum GPA requirements for your chosen transfer schools.
Meet With a Counselor
Schedule a counseling appointment with transfer schools in mind to include required coursework in your Student Education Plan.
Complete Your Coursework
Aim for a minimum of 60 transferable units by the time you transfer, covering major coursework, general education, and electives.
- Consider completing IGETC or CSU General Education Patterns based on your transfer goals.
- Use Assist.org to verify completion of required coursework for your chosen transfer schools.
- Complete the Golden 4 courses within your first year at RCC.
- Retake any course with a grade of D or F from the original institution.
Create Your Transfer Planner
- UC applicants create a Transfer Admission Planner.
- UC TAP is a free online tool to help prospective UC transfer students track and plan their coursework.
- CSU applicants create a CSU Transfer Planner.
- The Transfer Planner allows students to track coursework, compare GPA admission requirements, and receive helpful tips on transferring.
Have questions? Look through our College Contacts List for guidance on who to contact.
Transfer Timeline
UC Admission Application opens for winter/spring transfer.
Apply for Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) if you are planning to transfer to a CSU in Spring.
- To apply, log into MyPortal and Choose Degree Application under the Academic Profile Section.
CSU Admission Application opens for spring transfer.
Attend RCC Transfer Fair
Apply for FAFSA/Dream Act for next academic year
- Apply for CSU Admission for fall transfer
- Apply for UC Admission for fall transfer
Apply for Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) if you are planning to transfer to a CSU in fall
- To apply log into MyPortal and Choose Degree Application under the Academic Profile Section
FAFSA/Dream Act priority filling deadline for Cal grant
Check e-mail for important university notifications
Apply for RCC graduation
- Attend RCC Transfer Recognition Ceremony
- Apply for UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) for the winter/spring term