CIS-Computer Programming

This program focuses on the general writing and implementation of generic and customized programs to drive operating systems that generally prepare individuals to apply the methods and procedures of software design and programming to software installation and maintenance. This includes instruction in software design; low and high level languages and program writing; program customization and linking; prototype testing; troubleshooting; and related aspects of operating systems and networks.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students should be able to:

  • Design structured programs using C++, Javascript, or Java. Design and use object oriented programs in one of these languages C++, Java or PHP.
  • Design and use advanced programming techniques in C++ or Java. 
Required Courses (26.5 units) Units
CIS-1A Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3
CIS/CSC-2 Fundamentals of Systems Analysis 3
CIS/CSC-5 Programming Concepts and Methodology I: C++ 4
CIS/CSC-21 Introduction to Operating Systems 3
CIS-72A Introduction to Web Page Creation 1.5
Electives From Group 1  6
Electives From Group 2  6
Electives - Group 1 (6 units)  Units
CIS/CSC-12 PHP Dynamic Web Site Programming 3
CIS/CSC-14A Web Programming: JavaScript  3
CIS-14B Web Programming: Server Pages  3
CIS/CSC-17A Programming Concepts and Methodology II: C++  3
CIS/CSC-18A Java Programming: Objects  3
Electives - Group 2 (6 units)  Units
CIS/CSC-11 Computer Architecture and Organization: Assembly 3
CIS/CSC-17B  C++ Programming: Advanced Objects  3
CIS/CSC-17C C++ Programming: Data Structures 3
CIS/CSC-18B Java Programming: Advanced Objects 3
CIS/CSC-18C Java Programming: Data Structures 3

This Program Pathway will allow a full-time student to complete this program in 12-18 months. For students who require a part time pathway, please see a counselor for more information.

Associate of Science Degree
The Associate of Science Degree in Computer Programming will be awarded upon completion of the degree requirements, including general education and other graduation requirements as described in the college catalog.